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Revelation of the Magi

Second Sunday after Christmas - January 3, 2021

Father Vincent Pizzuto, Ph.D.

St. Columba's Episcopal Church

Journey of the Magi, Stefano di Giovanni di Consolo (il Sassetta), c.1392–1451

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Adoration of the Magi, Benozzo Gozzoli, 1459

Magi Chapel Riccardi-Medici Palace, Florence

Adoration of the Magi, Benozzo Gozzoli, 1459

Magi Chapel Riccardi-Medici Palace, Florence

Frontispiece (right wing of Altarpiece)

The star in the form of a child appearing to the Magi.

Der Middelburger Altar, Rogier van der Weyden, c.1445

Gemäldegalerie, Berlin

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In the shadow of your wings, I take refuge.

Psalm 57:1

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