Ecological Discipleship for Radical Times

An In-Person Retreat at St. Columba's Inverness
Friday, June 24 through Sunday, June 26
The Right Reverend Dr. Marc Handley Andrus Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California
Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll, Sr.
Founder of Green The Church, Oakland, CA
Father Vincent Pizzuto, Ph.D. Vicar of St. Columba's Church & Retreat House
The Christian doctrine of Incarnation affirms that in Jesus of Nazareth the eternal God is present not only alongside creation, but as creation. Without diminishing the significance of Jesus’ humanity, a number of insights from scripture and tradition insist on a more radical understanding of Christ who “is all and is in all” (Col. 3:11). “Radical Incarnation” then (from the Latin radix, root), implies a comprehensive embodiment of God extending to the deepest roots of the material universe. Our vicar, Fr. Vincent Pizzuto, and the St. Columba’s Council for Ecological Discipleship invite you to join us for an in-person retreat with Bishop Marc Andrus (Diocese of California) and The Rev. Dr. Ambrose Carroll (Founder of Green The Church), on Radical Incarnation designed for Christian contemplatives who seek to deepen their understanding of climate and racial justice in our world today.